Today is the day you can Reboot your life...
Get Your Life Back Today with... RESTORE© Infusion Therapy — Ultra-Rapid and Long-Lasting Improvement
You Deserve To Get Your Life Back — Now You Can
Make every day a good day with RESTORE.
People from all over the globe have traveled to us because of our worldwide reputation and cutting-edge technique. They realize the value of our knowledge and the advantages of RESTORE infusions vs. regular ketamine infusions.
With the RESTORE, improvement can start within just hours, and you only need three infusions over just three days. Better yet, RESTORE is longer lasting than other any other ketamine-based infusions which means that you may only need 1 or 2 quick "reboot" infusions per year to keep feeling better all the time.
We are dedicated to our work, and we focus on only one thing: ketamine-based therapy. It is our commitment to each person we meet to use all of our knowledge and experience in providing ketamine-based therapy for the relief of their illness. We know that it takes dedication and hard work to get the best possible results for each patient, and we are up for the challenge.
Ketamine Institute - We Specialize In You
Choosing RESTORE is a Step in the Right Direction
RESTORE Ultra-Rapid Infusions are a breakthrough new and rapidly effective treatment for Depression or "Burnout Syndrome" and neuropathic pain conditions including Fibromyalgia and CRPS/RSD. And it is clinically proven to provide more rapid and longer-lasting relief. In just 3 days and 3 infusions you can change your life.
If you suffer from Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, or chronic pain and have not found relief with prescription medication or other traditional treatment modalities, then RESTORE Infusion Therapy® may be the right choice.
Contact us today to get started with RESTORE.
Call: 800-850-6979
Fax: 850-602-9013
or email us at:
Ketamine Research Institute
5969 Cattleridge Blvd - Suite 104 Sarasota, FL 34232
We look forward to speaking with you!

Contact us today to determine if RESTORE is right for you. Just email or call for more information. We are here to help!