Ketamine Research Institute Training Program

Welcome to day 2 of training!

Mastering the Future of Ketamine Therapy

Day 2 Overview: Mastering the Future of Ketamine Therapy

Modules 3 and 4: Critical Insights for Advanced Ketamine Practice

Day 2 of our ketamine training course delves into the real-world challenges and scientific principles that are crucial for any clinician aiming to excel in ketamine therapy. This day's content is designed to confront the harsh realities of current ketamine practices and provide the tools and knowledge necessary to overcome these challenges, setting a new standard for effective treatment.

Module 3 – The Future of Ketamine Therapy Starts Here

In this module, we explore why "real-world" ketamine therapy often falls short of its potential, drawing on key studies from Yale, Harvard, and Osmind. We'll uncover the unregulated and sometimes chaotic state of ketamine therapy, exposing the consequences of inexperience, improper training, and the commercialization of this treatment.

Clinicians will gain a deep understanding of the critical flaws in current practices, including the risks of repurposing drugs without FDA approval and the dangers of ignoring ketamine pharmacokinetics.
This module doesn't just highlight problems—it also provides a roadmap for improvement, advocating for an integrated, science-based approach that combines pharmacology, physiology, and psychology to revolutionize ketamine care.

Inside Module 3:

"Real-World" Ketamine Therapy Disappoints
• Uncovering the Truth: Why Real-World Ketamine Therapy Falls Short
• Yale's Wilkinson Study: What We've Learned About Ketamine's Limitations
• Harvard's Sakurai Study: Exposing the Gaps in Ketamine Effectiveness
• Osmind's McInnes Study: The Reality Check on Ketamine Therapy

Think That's Bad, Wait It Gets Worse
• The Dark Side of Ketamine: A Look into the Unregulated Frontier
• Ketamine Therapy: Welcome to the Wild West of Ketamine Therapy
• When Venture Capital Meets Ketamine: The Consequences No One Predicted
• Unintended Consequences: The Downside of the Ketamine Gold Rush

Why Has This Happened?
• Diagnosing the Problem: Why Ketamine Therapy Is Struggling
• Repurposing vs. FDA Approval: The Risky Road of Ketamine Therapy
• Training Gaps and Inexperience: The Achilles' Heel of Ketamine Clinicians
• Breaking the Rules: The Consequences of Ignoring Ketamine Guidelines
• Lost in Translation: The Critical Misunderstanding of Ketamine Pharmacokinetics

How Do We Fix It and Do Better?
• Charting a New Course: A Fresh Perspective on Ketamine Therapy
• Revolutionizing Ketamine Care: The Power of Integrated Sciences
• A Comprehensive Approach: From Pharmacology to Psychology in Ketamine Therapy

Question and Answer Session
• The Future of Ketamine Therapy Starts Here

Module 4 - The Science Behind Ketamine Infusion Success

The second module of the day focuses on the scientific principles that drive successful ketamine therapy. Clinicians will learn to master pharmacokinetics and precision dosing, ensuring that each infusion is tailored for optimal outcomes.

We'll explore the physiological and phenomenological aspects of ketamine, helping clinicians understand the diverse responses patients may have to treatment. This module also addresses why standard ketamine protocols often fail in "real-world" settings and emphasizes the importance of personalized therapy.

By covering the five key factors—mass, medications, medical comorbidities, metabolism, and mindset—clinicians will be equipped with the knowledge needed to enhance the effectiveness of ketamine infusions.

Inside Module 4:

Pharmacokinetics and Target-Determined Infusions
• Understanding Plasma Concentrations: Navigating the Dose-Response Curve of Ketamine
• Unlocking Ketamine's ED50 and ED75: Why These Metrics Matter
• Target-Determined Infusions: Precision Dosing for Optimal Outcomes
• Pharmacokinetic Modeling: The Science Behind Ketamine Infusion Success
• How Pharmacokinetics Drive "Target-Determined" Ketamine Infusions

The Physiology and Phenomenology of Ketamine
• The Physiological Impact of the Ketamine Infusion
• How Patient Physiology Shapes the Ketamine Infusion Experience
• Inside the Ketamine Experience: What Patients Feel and How It Matters
• Understanding Patient Responses: Variability in Ketamine Infusion Reactions
• Physiological and Phenomenological Insights: The Ketamine Infusion Journey

The Variables: Why "Standard" Ketamine Doesn't Work
• The Real-World Challenge: Why Standard Ketamine Protocols Fail
• Beyond the Lab: Real-World Patients vs. Research Subjects in Ketamine Therapy
• Personalized Ketamine Therapy: Addressing the Unique Needs of Every Patient
• Essential Patient Characteristics: Key Determinants of Ketamine Response
• Standard Dosing vs. Real-World Needs: Tailoring Ketamine for True Effectiveness

The 5 Key Factors to Improve Ketamine Effectiveness
• Enhancing Ketamine Effectiveness: The Crucial Role of the 5 M's
• The Impact of Body Mass on Ketamine Response: What You Need to Know
• Medications Matter: Navigating Drug Interactions in Ketamine Infusion
• The Influence of Medical Comorbidities on Ketamine Therapy Outcomes
• Understanding Metabolism: The Key to Effective Ketamine Dosing
• Psychological Preparedness: A Key to Ketamine Infusion Success

What Set This Course Apart

Day 2 of this training course offers a deep dive into the complexities of ketamine therapy that no other program provides. By addressing both the systemic issues in current practices and the detailed science behind successful treatments, this course prepares clinicians to not only administer ketamine effectively but to become leaders in the field. Integrating real-world challenges with cutting-edge scientific knowledge ensures that participants are fully prepared to deliver the highest standard of care.

Clinical and Experiential Sessions – Day 2

Day 2 Overview: From Theory to Practice – Elevate Your Clinical Skills with Hands-On Experience

Clinical and Experiential Sessions: Gain Unmatched Expertise in Ketamine Therapy
Days 2 and 3 of our ketamine training course are dedicated to transforming theoretical knowledge into practical expertise. These sessions offer clinicians an unparalleled opportunity to engage in supervised clinical training and experience ketamine's effects firsthand. This combination of hands-on practice and personal immersion ensures that participants develop the competence and confidence needed to excel in ketamine therapy.

Supervised Clinical Training: Mastering the Art of Ketamine Infusions

In addition to our advanced didactic sessions, clinicians will receive advanced training under expert supervision, mastering every aspect of the ketamine infusion process—from meticulous pre-procedure preparation to precise infusion techniques and thorough post-procedure care.

You'll learn to create the optimal infusion environment, fine-tune dosing, and manage psychological and physiological responses during treatment. This real-world application of advanced pharmacokinetic modeling and electronic infusion records sets this course apart, providing you with the skills to deliver safe, effective, and patient-focused care.

Elevate Your Skills with Actual Ketamine Infusion Practice

This advanced ketamine infusion training module offers clinicians unmatched hands-on experience and comprehensive knowledge, surpassing what other programs provide. Under expert supervision, you'll master every aspect of the infusion process—from meticulous pre-procedure preparation to precise infusion techniques and thorough post-procedure care.

Master Ketamine Infusions: Hands-On Training with Expert Supervision

Learn to create the optimal infusion environment, fine-tune rates and concentrations, and manage psychological and physiological responses during treatment. The module also covers advanced pharmacokinetic modeling and state-of-the-art electronic infusion records, ensuring you deliver safe, effective, and patient-focused care. With a strong emphasis on real-world application, this training equips you with the skills and confidence to excel in ketamine therapy, providing a level of instruction that sets you apart in the field.

Inside the Clinical Session – Day 2

Perfecting the Setup: A Guide to Pre-Infusion Preparation
• Preparation of the infusion suite
• The Pre-Procedure Checklist for Ketamine Infusions
• Step-by-Step Suite Setup and Setting up Your Infusion Tray
• Enhance the Experience: Using AV Tools to Optimize Ketamine Therapy
• Pre-procedure patient preparation
• The Crucial First Step in Ketamine Therapy: Determination of Adjusted Body Weight
• Precision Dosing: Accurately Determining Target Plasma Concentrations
• Positioning Perfection: How to Ensure Patient Comfort and Safety
• Mastering Vital Signs Monitoring: Application and Adjustment Techniques
• Pre-Treatment Vitals: Your Final Check Before Infusion

The Art of Infusion: Essential Techniques for Ketamine Therapy
• A Complete Guide for Clinicians: From IV Access to Patient Monitoring
• Precision Access: Mastering IV Insertion Techniques for Ketamine Infusions
- Infusion methodologies: Gravity, Drip Assist, Infusion pumps
• Targeting Precision: How to Determine Ideal Ketamine Plasma Levels
- Pharmacokinetic modeling during infusion
• Infusion Intelligence: Using Pharmacokinetics for Optimal Dosing
- Using the electronic ketamine infusion record
• Real-Time Assessment: Monitoring Psychological and Physiological Responses
- Assessment of your patient's level of consciousness
• Stay Alert: Techniques for Assessing Consciousness During Ketamine Infusions
- How to perform infusion rate or concentration adjustments
• Precision Adjustments: Fine-Tuning Infusion Rates and Concentrations
- Preventing infusion occlusions, flow reductions, and disconnects
• Smooth Sailing: Preventing and Managing Infusion Complications
- Tips for guiding patients through the infusion
• Guiding Patients: Best Practices for a Positive Infusion Experience
- Avoiding and managing adverse effects
• Proactive Prevention: Strategies for Managing Adverse Effects

After the Infusion: Key Steps for a Smooth Recovery
• Managing Recovery: Best Practices for Post-Infusion Care
• The Critical Post-Infusion Phase: Ensuring Patient Comfort and Safety
• Navigating Recovery: Addressing Nausea, Fatigue, and Disequilibrium
• Beyond the Infusion: Effective Debriefing and Integration Techniques
• Keeping a Close Watch: Best Practices for Post-Infusion Monitoring
• Safe and Sound: Best Practices for Patient Transport and Discharge

Experiential Session – Day 2

Stepping into Your Patients' Shoes

What truly differentiates this course from all others is the opportunity for clinicians to experience ketamine's profound effects themselves. By personally navigating the non-ordinary states of consciousness induced by ketamine, you'll gain invaluable insights into the patient experience.

This firsthand understanding enables you to prepare better and support your patients, reducing their anxiety and increasing the efficacy of the treatment. No other training program offers this level of immersive learning, making it a critical component for clinicians who aim to provide the highest standard of care.

Experience Ketamine Firsthand and Transform Your Practice

By combining this direct experience with the extensive didactic knowledge and hands-on supervised clinical training provided in the course, clinicians gain invaluable insights that are critical for developing the competence and expertise necessary to accurately assess the appropriateness and tailor the application of ketamine therapy for their patients. This unique, immersive approach sets this program apart, providing an essential foundation no ketamine infusion training offers.

The Key Benefits You'll Gain Can Be Invaluable:

Framing the Ketamine Experience
• Framing the Ketamine Experience sets the stage for a therapeutic journey with clear intentions and expectations, whether it's for treating depression, managing pain, or exploring psychological states. Clinicians who have personally experienced ketamine's effects are better equipped to guide their patients, helping them mentally and emotionally prepare. This firsthand understanding allows clinicians to reduce patient anxiety and increase the receptivity and effectiveness of the treatment.

Valuable Tips for Beginning an Infusion Session
• Starting an infusion session correctly is crucial for safety and maximizing outcomes. Clinicians who have undergone the infusion themselves understand the importance of creating a calm, supportive environment. Their experience enables them to establish rapport quickly and effectively, accurately set up the infusion, and address any patient concerns, ensuring the session begins on the right foot.

Visual, Kinesthetic, and Somatic Processing
• Ketamine often heightens sensory perceptions, such as visual imagery, bodily awareness, and emotional responses. Clinicians who have experienced these effects can better support their patients by tailoring the therapeutic environment and providing guidance through intense sensations. This insight helps them create a more personalized and effective treatment experience.

Experiencing Dissociation
• Dissociation, where patients may feel detached from their body or reality, is a key effect of ketamine. Clinicians who have experienced this can better prepare patients, explaining what to expect and how to navigate it. This personal understanding allows clinicians to ensure dissociation becomes a safe, therapeutic part of the process rather than a source of anxiety.

Time and Space Expansion
• Ketamine can alter perceptions of time and space, making them feel fluid and expansive. Clinicians who have felt these shifts can help patients understand and embrace these changes, turning what might be disorienting into a therapeutic tool for gaining new perspectives.

Non-linear Thought
• Ketamine can disrupt linear thinking, leading to what appears to be fragmented, non-sequential thoughts. Clinicians who have experienced this can guide patients through these cognitive shifts, helping them find meaning in the ketamine space and uncover new insights rather than feeling overwhelmed by the change in thought patterns.

The Ketamine Continuum and Depth of Immersion
• Patients can experience varying depths of immersion during an infusion, from mild perceptual changes to deep states of consciousness. Clinicians who have explored these depths can better assess and modulate the experience for their patients, ensuring the therapy is tailored to their specific needs and therapeutic goals.

The Spacious Present
• The "spacious present" is where patients feel fully immersed in the moment, free from past and future concerns. Clinicians who have entered this state themselves can guide patients to embrace this therapeutic space, where significant emotional and psychological healing can occur.

Debriefing and Integration Techniques
• Debriefing and integration are critical for processing the experiences and insights gained during an infusion. Clinicians who have undergone this process can better help patients articulate their experiences and integrate them into their lives, enhancing the lasting impact of the therapy.

Returning from the Experience
• Guiding patients back to ordinary consciousness after an infusion is a delicate process. Clinicians who have experienced this transition understand the importance of a gentle, supportive approach, helping patients feel grounded and ready to integrate the experience.

Post-infusion Phenomena
• Post-infusion effects like mild dissociation or new insights are common. Clinicians who have experienced these phenomena can provide better care by reassuring patients and helping them navigate these residual effects, maximizing the therapeutic benefits.

Learning from Insights Gained to Adjust Subsequent Infusion Sessions
• Each ketamine session offers insights that can improve future treatments. Clinicians who have experienced ketamine themselves can better help patients reflect on their experiences, adjusting future sessions to meet evolving needs for more effective, personalized outcomes.

Why This Course Exceeds Expectations

This training program is unparalleled in its comprehensive approach, combining rigorous clinical practice with deep personal experience. By the end of Days 2 and 3, you'll have the technical skills and the empathetic understanding needed to excel in ketamine therapy. This unique blend of knowledge and experience

Click here to go on to day 3 of training

Here's What Our Graduates Have To Say

"Thank you again for an informative, enlightening, and practical course! Christy and I thoroughly enjoyed our experience with you, and we are excited to get all of our ducks in a row to get started with the ketamine infusions for mood disorders.

We appreciate your offer to send your forms/documents in a PDF as this will give us a great start in providing the right documentation, consent, etc… which, interestingly, our malpractice carrier is requesting. (I guess PA is not as progressive as FL.)

The course was fantastic….exactly what I was hoping for….evidence-based, scientifically yet practically oriented…allowing us to not only understand the basics of these treatments but also some insights as to improve our successes and minimize the “failures” through careful patient selection and optimization.

I am looking forward to applying what we have learned to improve the lives of those in our community who qualify for this treatment and approach! We again thank you for the opportunity and look forward to staying in touch!"

—Theresa Burick, MD - Integrative Medicine Specialist

To Learn More About Our Programs - please click the links below:

The "Mini-Fellowship" Intensive Training Program

A Detailed Course Overview

Day 1: Essential Foundations for Ketamine Therapy

Day 2: Mastering the Future of Ketamine Therapy

Day 3: Personalization and Precision in Ketamine Therapy

Our Course Schedule and How To Apply For Training

The Origin of Our Ketamine Training Program

What Our Graduates Say About The Course

How the Ketamine Research Institute Training Program Complies with APA and ASA Recommendations

"Mini-Fellowship" Intensive Ketamine Infusion Training for Clinicians

3-Day Intensive Course

Our course not only covers all of the practical aspects of ketamine therapy but expands into scientific principles allowing optimization of the basic protocol.  All course training is conducted “on-site” in an actual infusion center so that you will have an opportunity to become familiar with the environment in which infusions are performed and obtain valuable clinical experience administering ketamine infusions under expert supervision. This includes utilizing all of the necessary monitoring equipment, intravenous delivery systems, and supplies necessary for the safe administration, storage, and handling of ketamine. 

How to effectively integrate ketamine therapy into your current practice

Download Course Brochure



The Ketamine Institute

The Ketamine Institute is leading the way in the field of ketamine infusion therapy and physician education with our new ketamine infusion training program. We’re on a mission to accelerate the health care revolution. We have pioneered ketamine infusion therapy to bring the latest breakthrough discoveries about ketamine out of the research lab and into our infusion centers.

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A New Therapeutic Option for Depression and Pain

Join us and apply for training today!